Tag Archives: young adult
The Woman Who Rides Like a Man by Tamora Pierce
Several years have passed since I read Book 2 of Song of the Lioness. I didn’t remember putting in a hold for the next one, but the library just informed me it was available, so I started reading. Tamora Pierce’s … Continue reading
By Darkness Revealed by Kevin McLaughlin
The novel begins like an introduction to urban fantasy with detailed explanations of standard elements. However, it plays on many English boarding school tropes as well, offering an interesting blend of the two. The twist comes in the boarding school … Continue reading
Foul Is Fair by Jeffrey Cook and Katherine Perkins
This book throws you in at the deep end of a surreal world until you’re not sure what’s real and what are hallucinations thanks to the main character having some form of an attention disorder. We are first introduced to … Continue reading
Nyssa Glass and the House of Mirrors by H. L. Burke
This series has come up in conversation a time or two in the steampunk groups I follow online, and its fans are dedicated. Having read the first book, I understand why. Nyssa Glass is a genuinely nice person with a … Continue reading
Fury of the Gods by Amy Braun
I jumped into the Areios Brothers series with Fury of the Gods, the third book. I know most people don’t do that, but when something about the description intrigues me, I have no trouble starting in the middle of a … Continue reading