Tag Archives: WorldCon 2011
A Glimpse at My Home Town
After WorldCon, my husband was a little frustrated at the impression people were getting of Reno from the small area they were in, so he wrote a blog post about the Reno we see on a daily basis. He offered … Continue reading
Renovation (WorldCon) 2011: The Final Days
So in an attempt to be brief, I jotted down what I did on Friday through Sunday. Only a top level summary will get to the end of the con, so here we go. Every day, we went on the … Continue reading
Renovation (WorldCon) 2011 Part Two
Now I realize I failed to add this to the first post, but it really came into play after the first day. My younger son and my sister were part of the volunteer staff (when I didn’t have the energy, … Continue reading
Renovation (WorldCon) 2011 Part One
So…WorldCon. How am I going to keep this post a reasonable length? Clearly, I’m breaking it into more than one :). First of all, as some of you knew, I was supposed to get a tooth pulled the day before … Continue reading
Week of WorldCon 2011
My panel schedule for the con is still the same, so you can see it here, but since I’m spending the beginning of the week in final preparations, I thought I’d note that I have limited Twitter access on my … Continue reading