Tag Archives: Novel
A little Kyrnie/Shadows of the Sun Progress
Well, I’ve gone through the first of two critiques, much to my delight and dismay. As is usual, there were things I didn’t agree with or can’t apply, and things that just clicked right off. For example, I made a … Continue reading
Update on Shadows and me…
I certainly didn’t mean to drop off the map like this after doing so much better about posting at least once a month. I wonder if anyone is even listening anymore ;). Life happened to me in a big way … Continue reading
A quick note on Shadows of the Sun.
This novel is my main project for the year, and a smidge behind in the schedule, but Shadows has now advanced to the next step. So far this year, I’ve done a deep edit pass, a proof edit, and a … Continue reading
Shadows of the Sun (Kyrnie) Edit Pass Complete
The most unbelievable and amazing thing happened tonight. The Shadows of the Sun edit pass is complete, and one day BEFORE the revised deadline. This has been a crazy year so far. Even with giving myself an additional 15 days, … Continue reading
Shadows of the Sun (Kyrnie) Edit Update
I know I’ve been horrible about updating, but life happened and kept me from editing as well as posting. However, in the short week that ended April, I pushed everything else away and dove in head first. Though I blew … Continue reading