Tag Archives: NaNo 2012
NaNo 2012: The Final Word
I ended up completing my NaNo one day early with 50,202 words after a rough journey. The book is complete, but I don’t like the ending point as it’s a downer, so I plan to add another scene (or rather … Continue reading
NaNo 2012: Day 26 in the Final Stretch
So, NaNo. November always has its challenges, but this year they piled on, with the addition of a new freelance job, trying to coordinate a very short visit from my son and his fiancee between two families, trying to figure … Continue reading
NaNo 2012: Day 12
So…NaNo. My update this time is not all that hopeful, but I still plan to pull it together and make my 50k. I’m running about three days behind now after a weekend spent in dark glasses on the couch because … Continue reading
NaNo 2012, Day 5
So, NaNo day 5 and I’m already behind. I usually start out racing because I know I’ll slow down later, but this didn’t happen this year for a variety of reasons. I got a new freelance contract that’s taking up … Continue reading
NaNo 2012 Begins This Week
This classifies as an announcement, a warning, and a commitment. It’s almost November, that month that I participate in the zany writing challenge that is NaNoWriMo (or the National Novel Writing Month) where writers across the globe, and of all … Continue reading