March Madness is drawing near (only one sleep away) and the novel for this challenge is Molly, the Asteroid Miner’s Daughter. This is one of my ideas generated during Holly Lisle’s How to Think Sideways class. I’m tracking its progress in detail through the Thinking Sideways forums and my related blog, but I thought I’d drop a mention here as well.
It’s difficult when you have established, successful processes to tackle learning a new one, but I’ve found that resting on any particular process is dangerous as you may run into a particular novel or circumstance that bucks your previous patterns and demands skill sets you have to discover if you haven’t broadened your base. That doesn’t mean learning something new is easy, but it’s definitely worth the trip if only to know what doesn’t work for you.
Honestly, it’s the other parts of Holly’s class that appeal more, the insider tips for managing publishing contracts and making things happen in an organized fashion rather than a mad scramble. I’m on the cusp of entering that lifestyle, and I need all the help I can get so I don’t dissolve into the chaos that draws me :).
So, we’ll see how it goes. I have created (and finally sorted) a 41 scene outline for which most scenes have been verified using Holly’s techniques. I’d hoped for all of them, but a huge project for the boys’ school sucked up all my time. I’ll have to verify as I go, but I have some 19+ verified so I’ve got a bit of room.
Oh, my goal for this March Madness (a mad dash for words from 7k to 40k and a finished book in a week through Forward Motion) is to achieve at least 14k. I had enough problems with last year that I managed a mere 9k, and I plan to do better, darn it.
And stats:
New Words: 0 words
41 scenes
0 complete – 0% of the novel
41 Scenes remain
61500 Estimated length – with an average of 1500 words per scene.
0 Current Total