Dii at Tome Tender has graciously offered to host another giveaway for me, this time in celebration of completing the first volume in The Steamship Chronicles, a steampunk adventure series she has enjoyed. She asked me a few new questions as well as reposting her favorite answer from last time. Like the first interview, I found she comes up with fascinating queries. For example, learn my philosophy towards life as I tell you of the time I hunted octopus when younger even than Sam and Nat in The Steamship Chronicles.
Pop on over there to check it out: Tome Tender. Beyond Secrets, which is free on all eBook vendors, we’re giving away three eCopies of Threats (Book 2) and one full copy of the whole volume, so Secrets, Threats, and Gifts.
Note: There is a content warning because not all the reviews on the site are young adult books.
If you’re already a fan, please help share the news to introduce new readers to the adventures of an aether-driven girl and a boy with aspirations of captaining a steamship as they try to find their way in an alternate Victorian steampunk world.
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