From Ideas to Outlines (a writing workshop)

I posted this over at my writing blog, but I’m reposting here in case there are some of you who are interested in writing but do not follow the other blog. (BTW, if you do not, I would recommend checking my writing blog out ( for a close look at how I do things, along with more general writing posts.)

This six-week workshop is outlining for organic thinkers, though the methodology works on both inspired and crafted works (as not all my ideas come dressed for the party).

From Ideas to Outline will introduce a series of techniques to convert an idea into a workable, non-constricting outline. Come prepared to work hard as you will be asked to perform each technique yourself so that you can judge whether it works for you or not.
Begins Monday, August Third. Facilitator: Margaret McGaffey Fisk

Note that theses workshops are free but do require that you become a Forward Motion member (which is also free). Once you are logged in, click the below link to go straight to the right section (note the Learning Center 2009 link is available from the header on any forum page):

Hope to see some of you there.

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