Category Archives: March Madness
Writing: Thoughts on Characters
March Madness served two purposes this year: it got me to finalize an outline, and it jumpstarted my next writing project. I maintained a pace of around 3,000 words per day for the challenge, though I don’t expect to keep … Continue reading
Writing: Always Up for a Challenge
Some people are slow and steady writers while others like binges. I fall somewhere in between, often using a binge to start a project and then completing it at a more deliberate pace. Why is this important today? Well, as … Continue reading
Promises to Keep
You might have expected the road trip part two post this week, and if you were then you might be surprised to know that so was I. However, something happened a couple days ago that prompted this post, and I … Continue reading
Interesting Links for 3-25-2011
Have you ever had one of those weeks when you lose track of what day it is? On top of that, Forward Motion started the March Madness challenge this morning. I’m a little over 1k into a new steampunk novella. … Continue reading
The Curse of Starting Too Soon
First of all, the good news. I managed 16,500 on Dry Boiled, give or take a few words, for the March Madness (MM) challenge at Forward Motion. I’ve found challenges are a good way to jump start a novel and … Continue reading