Category Archives: Anthology Reviews
Fairy Tales Punk’d edited by Phoebe Darqueling
The retellings included in Fairy Tales Punk’d are quite wide in scope, choosing fairy tales I know and ones new to me as well as more modern folk tales. Their genres vary from sweet retellings to twists with darker, although … Continue reading
The Queen of Clocks and Other Steampunk Tales edited by Crysta K. Coburn
I rarely review anthologies because not all the stories work for me in most. I was pleasantly surprised to find something to like in all these stories, even the more horrific I usually shy away from. A lot of what … Continue reading
Mahrime: Mythpunk for Monsters by Penny Blake
…and the longing for all the things that human company ought to bring but seldom does. ~ From the painter’s daughter by Penny Blake This is a collection (mostly reprints) of odd tales, poems, and pieces falling somewhere between with … Continue reading