Category Archives: Publishing
BayCon 2023: A Night at the Space Opera Is This Weekend!
BayCon 2023: A Night at the Space Opera begins this Saturday and runs until Tuesday evening (July 1st-4th). This is what I consider my “home” convention, despite having moved to Reno, Nevada, over ten years before. I no longer remember … Continue reading
5 Interesting Links for 03-26-2021
Note: Videos may auto start with sound so be prepared. Bias (Anthropology) Anthropology is peppered with assumptions made when the anthropologist imposes their own cultural rule set on the evidence. In the last twenty years or so, gender differences have … Continue reading
5 Interesting Links for 03-19-2021
Note: Videos may auto start with sound so be prepared. Matriarchy (Archeology) Definitions can lead to arguments even when both parties agree on most things, which is what led me to this article. It explores both the interpretation of the … Continue reading
5 Interesting Links for 03-12-2021
Note: Videos may auto start with sound so be prepared. Balance (Exercises) Few people think about balance even though our bipedal stance is awkward and unsteady. When you’re young, that balance often comes automatically, or you compensate for the lack … Continue reading
5 Interesting Links for 03-05-2021
Note: Videos may auto start with sound so be prepared. Spelling (Language) When I came back to the United States as a fifth grader, I got in trouble with my teacher for using British English spellings instead of American English. … Continue reading