Category Archives: Art, Music, Crafts, etc.
Things That Make Me Smile No. 243: Codes of Honor
A friend introduced me to Testify, a Navajo Nation band, on Indigenous People’s Day last year (the second Monday in October). This acoustic song is inspired by the Navajo code talkers in World War II.
5 Interesting Links for 02-12-2021
Note: Videos may auto start with sound so be prepared. Innovation (Furniture) This short video profiles space-saving furniture that could make all the difference, especially in the small living spaces now found in many large cities. Tools (Language) False … Continue reading
Things That Make Me Smile No. 242: Fun, and Funny, Street Art
This video contains a large collection of street art with pieces to amaze and startle a laugh out of you. Hope you enjoy them as much as I did.
Things That Make Me Smile No. 241: Sea Shanty?
This song, and the video with it, brought forth a chuckle or two on top of a smile. I’ve enjoyed sea shanties since I was a wee little girl singing What Shall We Do with the Drunken Sailor at the … Continue reading
5 Interesting Links for 01-29-2021
Note: Videos may auto start with sound so be prepared. Flash (Fiction) I enjoyed the meta aspects of this story and thought you would, too. It’s quick, but there’s more said under than over. Tips (Health) Some basic health … Continue reading