Note: Videos may auto start with sound so be prepared.
History (Entertainment)
Video, and now streaming, rental companies may have thought themselves innovators, but an examination of newspaper advertisements from the mid-to-late 1800s suggests an earlier incarnation. The video equivalent in the Victorian Era, a magic lantern, was accessible to the middle class through similar arrangements.
COVID-19 (Health)
Researchers retooled a project originally studying Alzheimer’s to identify COVID-19 in both symptomatic and asymptomatic sufferers through changes in a cough. This evaluation is useful as an early warning system rather than replacing the test, but it would have the advantage of greater accessibility. Any positive would need to be confirmed with a COVID-19 test since the changes might be for another reason. (Via AARP)
COVID-19 Research (Interesting People)
The pandemic has caught everyone’s attention, especially in the medical fields as researchers struggle to find a prevention, cure, or even viable treatments to help those on the front lines. Sometimes, though, progress comes from unlikely places. The 3M Young Scientist Challenge encourages students in 5th to 8th grade to study science, something Anika Chebrolu took to the next level. She found a way to bind a protein on the COVID-19 virus, making the protein unable to function and offering a potential method for stopping the virus.
Innovations (Promoting)
Author Jennifer S. Alderson explains how to promote your books passively through creating a public Google map. Your map can highlight existing places key to your novels and even include snippets or behind-the-scenes notes to intrigue potential readers. Note: The article images appear broken, but the links to her maps still work.
Cultivation (Resilience)
This article looks at the myths surrounding the concept of resilience and how we can cultivate resilience in ourselves as well as seeing it in others. It’s an important reminder both for our own mental health and how we perceive those around us.