5 Interesting Links for 11-04-2016

Sleep (Health)

Some tips on improving your sleep and why it’s important especially for writers.

Vinegar (History)

A look at the various uses for vinegar in the 17th-early 19th Centuries.

Alternative (Medicine)

The study of the Vagus Nerve has revealed a direct relationship with inflammatory diseases and overall health. The research also opens ways to increase your health by alternatives to medicine.

Self-Driving Trucks (Technology)

As a follow-up on an earlier article about self-driving trucks, here’s the latest test where a long-haul truck successfully delivered beer with the human only in charge off the highway.

Verbs (Writing)

58 visceral verbs to liven up your writing. (Via @FrugalBookPromo on Twitter)

Secrets (The Steamship Chronicles, Book 1) Free in eBook at all stores

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