Note: Videos may auto start with sound so be prepared.
Sexism (Science Fiction)
A personal narrative about the internalized images of successful women in tech and fiction and how one author overcame them in her own head.
Security (Internet)
There are a lot of articles talking about the high-level security stuff. I like this one because it’s both down to earth and has actionable items for everyone.
Social Media (Marketing)
Some suggestions for using social media to find and engage potential readers.
Costumes (Halloween)
Some examples of creative takes on Harry Potter inspired costumes that are fun to admire and even to inspire.
Tools (Art)
I haven’t made the jump to GIMP 2.10 yet because I’m worried I’ll lose some of the tools I use the most. This article takes you through a selection of high-powered tools confirmed to work with 2.10 and provide a good number of the things most people will want along with the new version of GIMP.