5 Interesting Links for 10-18-2019

Note: Videos may auto start with sound so be prepared.

Archeology (Babies)

New studies of vessels resembling modern sippy cups gives insight into prehistoric infant raising and its similarities to our practices. (Via David Bridger)

Design (Book Covers)

Some tips exploring the different elements characteristic of book covers per genre.

Adoption (Cats)

Reasons to consider adopting two cats instead of one.

Medical (Innovation)

I first posted an interesting link about HAL, the walking-assist, cyborg-like technology out of Japan, a few years ago. It is now available in the U.S. at last, though for therapy and only in one Florida clinic. The hope is for broader applications to help the elderly and disabled gain more mobility and independence. At the end of this article, there is also information about the inventor, whose focus on helpful rather than military tech appealed to me from the start.

Celebration (Interesting People)

The name Rube Goldberg brings forth so many memories for me from playing mouse trap to standing fascinated at a New Jersey train station, watching marbles set a wacky machine into motion. How could I not include this article on the true life of such a creative and curious person? The only thing missing is a snapshot or video of the machine the Queens Museum chose to materialize, though I suppose you have to go to the exhibit in Queens, New York, if you want to see it.

An Innocent Secret (Book 3 of Uncommon Lords and Ladies)

This entry was posted in Anthropology, Health, Interesting Links, Interesting People, Kids and Cats, Marketing, Publishing. Bookmark the permalink.

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