Note: Videos may auto start with sound so be prepared.
Adoption (Cats)
Things to consider when thinking about adopting a special needs cat.
Short Story (Fiction)
A very short story with a meaning that creeps up on you with a lesson both poignant and frightening. It’s not horror in the usual sense but a powerful reminder of how wrong things can be.
Immersive (History)
Whether you’re interested in 1911 New York City for research or just curious about an early period, this contemporary video offers a glimpse into the city that reading materials cannot as you are among the inhabitants and can hear the clip-clop, see the horse leavings on the street, and listen to the toot of steamships in the harbor. The reactions of those who realize they’re being captured on film are also fascinating. (Via Cliff Winnig)
Innovation (Medical)
A university in France has partnered with a technology company to create an exoskeleton capable of helping quadriplegics control movement with their brains. The effort is in the early stages, but the clinical trials discussed here are promising.
Process (Writing)
An interesting approach to the level of detail necessary in fiction and what to consider when deciding how much accuracy is enough.