5 Interesting Links for 10-05-2012

Creativity (Fun)

Now this is an incredible retirement project (Note: video with sound, but does not auto start):

Website (Promoting)

A tip from my host company TigerTech on why to choose a .com website name:

Genetics (Science)

As someone highly responsive to mood-affecting music, the fact that there is more to study in human interaction with music comes as no surprise. This article points to hope for treating Williams syndrome, a genetic disorder, and post-traumatic syndrome, with Elvis leading the way.

Environment (Science)

You don’t have to look pretty to get help when you fill a critical ecological niche, or so it’s hoped for the remaining Asian vultures as poisons, habitat loss, and a veterinary anti-inflammatory drug have depleted these scavengers who clean up what death leaves behind.

Writing (Writing)

Tips for identifying weak conflict points and how to work through them to excellent ones:

Curve of Her Claw

Fall into a world where beauty is a facade, and one elf is pushed beyond reason to rid herself of the smooth-skinned curse. ~ Now available as an eBook:
Curve of Her Claw

This entry was posted in Art, Music, Crafts, etc., Interesting Links, Promoting, Publishing, Science, Writing. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to 5 Interesting Links for 10-05-2012

  1. Michele says:

    Great as usual! Thanks.

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