Note: Videos may auto start with sound so be prepared.
Psychology (Cats)
Here are some tips on helping cats who appear depressed. I hope a few of these prove useful. This is going to be more of an issue once the world reopens, I suspect. Indoor cats will have grown used to having their companions at home almost all the time, something unlikely to continue once a vaccine is widely available.
Newsletters (Marketing)
This article guides you through identifying what causes your newsletter to hide under Gmail’s Promotions tab in a series of experiments. The author makes a point of saying if your newsletter belongs under the Promotions tab, don’t try to trick Gmail. You could be labeled a spammer and banned from sending to Gmail. Though written in 2018, the advice still makes good sense.
Society (Music)
Enjoy a video interview with the first African American Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution and founding director of the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History, Lonnie G. Bunch, III. He offers insight into Black music in the context of the African American experience historically and in present times.
Records (Sports)
Brazilian surfer Maya Gabeira came up in a chat with my sisters and parents about Alan Dean Foster’s story Surfeit since she set her second Guinness World Record for surfing the tallest wave this year. I’m including the article because I found her reaction to the accomplishment fascinating and not what I would have expected. Note: As with many online news articles, you’ll need to disable your ad blocker temporarily to read the story if you are not a subscriber.
Animals (Photography)
Because we all need a chuckle or two, enjoy 44 candid wildlife moments captured with photography. (Via Patty Jensen)