Note: Videos may auto start with sound so be prepared.
Extinction (Animals)
A rare glimpse of the Tasmanian Tiger has surfaced in an old black and white film taken in 1935 of the only one in captivity and possibly the last remaining alive.
Medical (Discrimination)
I mentioned on my blog that I finally received the answer to a lifetime of complicated medical complaints in my diagnosis of hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS). In researching my condition, I found it disproportionately affects non-white men and women of all races. This matches my experience where I have been told since puberty that I exaggerate pain levels and everything is in my head even in the presence of detectable symptoms. This essay from another EDS patient adds a level of bias I don’t suffer but which is especially relevant in the United States. I’d say relevant now, but that’s more a matter of a greater awareness than a greater bias.
Gen X (Interesting People)
This is a fascinating character profile not just of a person but of a generation. I was surprised to see how closely it matched my experience, but beyond that curiosity, the article also offers lessons for writers as they build not just one generation but all of them.
Bullet Notebooks (Organization)
I’ve long been curious about the concept of bullet notebooks, and several of my writer friends swear by them. This article lays out the concept along with how such journals can assist in productivity and mood balancing. It also offers suggestions for the necessary tools.
Dinosaurs (Paleontology)
The re-identification of a fossil uncovered in Victoria, Australia, has revealed additional information about elaphrosaurs, a category of dinosaur that left few clues as to its range and survival periods. It was previously unknown on the Australian continent.

A really interesting set of Links. I copied the definition of EDS to carry in my wallet. I have a hard time explaining it when people ask so this will help. I note that all 3 of my daughters are Gen-X. And they fit the profile, sort of. Definitely the idea of just getting on with what you have to and not complaining. I love that about all of you. Bullet notebooks are not for me, but I do all these things in several convenient places–like the pad next to my bed for last minute thoughts about what I have to do tomorrow or what I forgot to buy today. And lists in my phone which is small and always with me. I have a number of blank notebooks, but nothing ever seems to mar their pristine pages. Thanks for the fascinating Links you put up.
I am equally surprised by how many people know about EDS as I am by the number who don’t, so having a definition handy sounds handy. I came to the same conclusion on bullet journals, but I’m known for borrowing bits and pieces from other approaches over the whole.
Glad you enjoyed it.