5 Interesting Links for 05-01-2020

Note: Videos may auto start with sound so be prepared.

Technique (Art)

A look at what elements are necessary to create good art (recognizing that as a subjective term) using Gustave Courbet’s works as examples.

Apples (Conservancy)

A non-profit organization called the Lost Apple Project seeks abandoned apple orchards. They start their search in the historical record and then in person, hoping to find remnants of apple varieties that once existed. Last fall, volunteers found an unprecedented ten strains believed to be extinct.

Management (Creativity)

In what is almost stream of consciousness at times, self-help author Marlee Grace describes the variety of ways she keeps both focus and energy productive without burning out.

Astronauts (Interviews)

Stephen Colbert, host of The Late Show, interviewed NASA astronaut Jessica Meir for tips on how to manage social distancing and sharing tight quarters.

Innovation (Museums)

Jill Young, student and actor, hopes to encourage a new trend of creating miniature art museums for pets after being inspired to build one tailored to her gecko by a London couple’s gerbil museum. These involve recreating famous pieces with pet-focal points instead of human ones.

Forged: A Fantasy Short Story

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